Labor Day is Coming and You Can Increase Your Profits

As summer passes usually the bookings begin to decline but at least there’s Labor Day on the horizon that can possibly help you reach the sales you want.

Labor Day Weekend Vacation Rentals

This weekend is full of opportunities for your vacation property rental, with a bit of effort you can campaign for Labor Day.

For beach-front rentals, this can be the final opportunity to profit from summer or any destination-oriented short-term rental.

Since this is a national holiday your target market could increase bringing you guests that you don’t usually book. You can market it as a fun backyard great for barbeques for a group of people or just a romantic last getaway in summer for couples.

Extra Profits With a Holiday Rate

Since this weekend will be in high demand, you can increase your prices. Most rentals do, so consider doing the same, just compare your rental with other similar ones and check the price so you don’t go too high.

To give a bit of credit to your higher rate you can even double down on the pictures and videos your guests left in previous years and celebrations. Also showing your great reviews is great for these competitive weekends. Since these long weekends are few in the year, show testimonials, reviews, videos and anything you have that can convince travelers to stay in your place.

We do recommend showing off photos and videos since it’s what works best.

Elevating your rate might be good for you but not for your guests, so you can get a bit creative and offer some kind of discount. Make sure you turn a profit for the holiday before adding any discount codes.

A Little Extra

To entice, even more, you can give a sneak peek in your social media for any freebie you consider good for your guests. It might be something edible like a gift basket which you can learn more about here, or something else related to popular activities near your location. (fun sunglasses, floaties, etc.)

So what do you think about our tips? And remember, for any cleaning needs you need for your vacation rentals, we’re here to help!